
Thanks so much for coming to this page. Here you can give on line via our partner "donate".

You are also welcome to use the methods below:-

Members of Pip & Jim's contribute to the life of the church in many different ways. The information below relates specifically to financial giving, but there are also lots of other ways to support the work of the church, and our different groups and activities.

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How can I contribute financially to the work of Pip & Jim's?

We don't take a collection during services at Pip & Jim's, but there is an offering box in the church where you can place your gift. Cheques can be made payable to "St Philip & St James' Church".

Gifts can also be made via your banking app, using the following account details:

  • Account name: St Philip & St James Church
  • Sort Code: 40-52-40
  • Account Number: 00014018

Regular giving

An easy and efficient way to make regular financial contributions is to set up a standing order with your bank. If you would like to do this then use the details above to set up a regular payment electronically or get in touch, and we'll send you a form to complete.

Tax-efficient giving

If you pay UK tax (Income or Capital Gains Tax) and would like us to be able to claim back the basic rate tax, you will need to fill in, sign and return to us an ongoing Gift Aid declaration if you have not done so already. This allows us to recover the basic rate of income tax, currently 25p for each pound given. (If you pay higher rate tax, you may recover this through your own tax return.)

Give by text

Giving by text is also possible: Text  07380 307 800 with PIPNJIMS followed by the word "give", then the amount  eg "PIPNJIMS give 100" - then you get a link back to help you actually donate! Add an "m" if you want to do this every month and a "w" for weekly. 
Martyn Saunders, 25/02/2025