
On Sundays there is a great opportunity to join us for worship at 10am which is also accessible on line - we have a YouTube channel where you can see recent live-stream services - so check us out before you come,

On the last Sunday of the month, we normally have a 'Songs of Praise' service at 4pm.


Our morning service includes times of sung worship, a talk and the opportunity to respond in prayer ministry. We celebrate Holy Communion at this service on the second Sunday of each month. There are groups for children up to Year 9. Refreshments are available in the hall after the service.

On the third Sunday of each month we have a service where everyone worships together and that is preceded by breakfast in the church hall at 9am. No need to book, but know that you are welcome!
Want to be sure what's actually happening? Then check out our events page.

What happens in church

We tend to start our services with an introduction from the service leader, we then encounter God in song with music led from a live band. All the words you'll need to say or sing during the service will be displayed on the screens throughout the building, but no-one will mind if you don't want to join in, and you are welcome to sit down or stand up as you feel most comfortable.

We don't pass a collection plate around during the service, and we promise we don't make visitors stand up and introduce themselves!

After the opening songs we tend to separate into different age groups for appropriate opportunities to grow with God. For the adults that takes the form of a Bible reading, a talk /sermon and a time to apply the teaching to our own lives in prayer as individuals. It's also possible to prayer with our prayer ministry team too. 
We end our services with a final song and opportunity for refreshments before go-ing into the world to live and work to God's praise and glory.
Thus even in our Sunday services we live out our vision to encounter, grow and go.

Where to park

Please park on the local streets, but they are quite narrow and busy so please take care!